Full Professor
I work at the Department of Sociology from the University of Bucharest, teaching social statistics, research methodology and measurement in the social sciences.
I am also the National Coordinator of the ESS - European Social Survey, and Director of the RODA - Romanian Social Data Archive, being involved in data archiving for more than 20 years in partnership with the CESSDA - Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives.
My activity in the domain of research infrastructures spans nationally, appointed as a member of the CRIC - Romanian Committee for Research Infrastructures, and internationally as a former Romanian delegate to ESFRI - European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures, where I chaired the SCI-SWG - Social and Cultural Innovation Strategy Working Group between 2012 and 2014.
My primary research interest is QCA - Qualitative Comparative Analysis, a novel methodology for social research that inspires a growing community for which I serve as a member of the Advisory Board and Steering Committee at COMPASSS. I have published extensively on methodological aspects, with a key interest in the programming of the minimization algorithms. My main programming environment is R (see also R-omania), for which I have contributed a number of packages, among which QCA for running Qualitative Comparative Analysis, DDIwR to convert to and from other statistical software, and declared to (finally) declare multiple missing values and labels in R.
PhD in Sociology, 2008
University of Bucharest
MA in Sociology, 1999
University of Bucharest
BA in Sociology, 1997
University of Bucharest
University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology
February 2002 - present
Romanian Social Data Archive
September 2001 - present
Institute for Quality of Life Research
September 1999 - January 2001